Friday, November 28, 2008

Local Guide

Being first time hikers of the Jinshanling-Simatai trail, we did not know what to do with the pack of local guides that followed us. On hindsight, we should have just turned them away. In the end we bought some overpriced merchandise from them before we could bid them farewell. I actually liked my guide (each of us were assigned our own guide), and would have been happy to provide him a tip. It was just that we didn't need his other four friends! Ah well, chalk it up to the "laowai tax". We'll know better next time.

Here's a portrait of my guide as he watched from one of the 29 guard towers we passed on our four hour hike.

Date: November 23, 2008
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Aperture: f/8
Shutter speed: 1/125
ISO: 200
Focal length: 50mm
Format: NEF

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